ASRC Collection
Alphington Community Centre is a food collection point for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Find our more about what you leave and exactly where to leave it here.
venue hire
Our centre is a great place to hold a birthday party for your kids. Find available times and book in here.
markets aT acc
Twice a year we hold markets at ACC that feature beautiful locally made goods. Contact us to find out when the next market will be on.
Gallery at ACC
In August and November each year ACC partners with local artists and the Alphington Open Studios to host weekend art exhibitions.
Contact our office if you are a local artist keen to exhibit.
Climate Action and Resilience PlaNS
ACC has worked with both the Darebin and Yarra Neighbourhood Houses Networks to develop an individual and collective Climate Action and Resilience Plan. Below is a cute animation from the Darebin plan. Find out more here.
Alphington Show
The Alphington Show is our big event run every second year in partnership with the Alphington CWA. Find our more here.

Alphington Dog Show
A wonderful annual community celebration for fur babies.. Click here to find out more, see photos, download entry forms etc.
Did you know we have a podcasting studio? You can find out all about it … including how to book in, costs and videos on how to use the equipment here.
Covid Roulette
Click here to listen to Covid Roulette, documenting neighbourhood stories from the pandemic. A big thanks to everyone who participated in the series.

on instagram
Lots of great things happened in the last year at ACC. Check out our annual report.
During lockdown we thought carefully about how to take care of ourselves each day. Here is a little animation that we made. The message is still relevant every day.
Craftberry Jam
If you picked up our lorikeet brooch making kit check out this video for step-by-step instructions. Goodluck!
Alphington Neighbourhood Gallery was on our fence for 18 months. Check out the artists and the artwork here.