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ASRC Food Collection

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre Food Collection


ACC is a collection point for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. Food is collected every Wednesday and you are welcome to drop both fresh and non-perishable grocery items off before 10am. Alternatively you can leave non-perishable food such as tinned tomatoes, tuna, pasta and rice, and the other grocery items you’d regularly buy yourself such as shampoo and conditioner, dishwashing liquid etc. in the ASRC cupboard in our back garden. Just follow the signs through the gate to find the cupboard.

Please note the ASRC provides a grocery shopping type experience and things like baked beans and canned soup are not what families are generally looking to cook. On the other hand things like lentils, oil and big packets of spices that can be divided up are great. If you have any questions about what can be dropped off just contact the ASRC directly on 9326 6066.
