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community projects


At Alphington Community Centre we are often working on projects (that are typically funded through small grants) to help build a sense of place and community and belonging within our neighbourhood.


covid Roulette

A podcast by Tony Wilson with 17 episodes featuring a fascinating mix of stories exploring how Covid has impacted our friends and neighbours - socially, emotionally, physically and economically. It really is super interesting!

History Walks

Collect a map from our office (or download one below) and explore the history of our neighbourhood next time you take a local walk. The project was a partnership with the 3078 History Group.

ANG - Alphington NEighbourhood Gallery

In 2021 with support from Yarra City Arts we ran an outside gallery on the fence at Alphington Community Centre. We featured 10 artists in the exhibition, one per month. Artists included painters, photographers and poets. This street gallery with QR codes for further details about the artists proved a wonderful way for our community to keep connected during lockdowns … and with most of the artists having sales or commissions as a result of the exhibition, it proved a wonderful way to support local artists - a community that was particularly hard hit by Covid lockdowns.

grow local cook local

in 2020 in partnership with Melbourne Farmgate, and Funding from Yarra City Council we delivered a series of garden to table workshops. Click below to find out how to make amazing dumplings! And more.