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About ACC


About Us

Each week we estimate that around 1000 people engage with Alphington Community Centre (ACC).

We deliver programs and services across the neighbourhood from 9am to 9pm weekdays, typically running playgroups and other activities for young families in the morning and then a series of activities for older community members in the afternoon and into the evening, including meals, art and craft groups, counselling, choir, ukulele, book clubs and more. On weekends ACC is hired for children’s birthday parties and hosts creative workshops and community events.

And, every day, people in the neighbourhood drop past and make themselves at home - utilising our play spaces, community tables, community herb gardens, book library, seed library, table tennis table … some even try to get a hole in one on our mini golf green. And lots of people engage with our ever changing community art projects on the street.

At ACC, individual and organisational partnerships are at the core of our ability to deliver. Approximately 25 volunteers help in some way each week. Some run programs such as line dancing. Others knit for charity, help cook and serve meals, maintain our lovely outdoor spaces and/or help out at events.

And each month we work with around 20 community organisations. These include Darebin Libraries to facilitate our book clubs, the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre for whom we are a collection point for emergency food relief and the Alphington Bowls Club, our wonderful partners who help us deliver our access all abilities bowls program.


You can view and download all of our policies here.

To view or download our Code of Conduct and Child Safe Statement click here.

To view or download our Constitution click here.


At ACC we take concerns, incidents and complaints seriously and have different processes in place depending on the issue raised. But everything starts by clicking on the link below to make a formal report.

Note, you can also raise your concern, incident or complaint in person with any staff person, who will fill out the link for you. Or you can email us directly at or call us on 9499 7227. If you choose one of these latter options please clearly state that you are reporting a formal concern, incident or complaint so that we know you’d like us to deal with it through our formal processes.