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It's volunteer week


At ACC there are loads of opportunities for people to contribute (in fact we rely on it).

This week is national volunteer week, and so we’d like to acknowledge all the people who help out on a regular basis at ACC. I am sure I am going to miss some people, so if I have missed you, please know you are truly loved and appreciated (I just sometimes have a brain like a sieve).

But here’s an attempt.

First of all there is our committee of governance. Thanks so much Anne, Michelle, Kate, Amaya, Andy and Heather for your assistance and oversight. it’s really appreciated.

Then … there are our weekly volunteers. Such as Sarah who sets up toy library for us and David who spends 3 hours with us each Wednesday helping people learn to use their phones, tablets and computers. And Graham and Anne who spend hours in the garden keeping it looking ship shape. Our craft group come together weekly to knit and crochet for charity (and community art), and helps sell things at our events. Shirley runs line dancing! Sue and her lovely daughter Gianna who run our peer support playgroup are treasures! And Andy is here on a Thursday morning for the ASRC (a volunteer organisation that we are pleased to partner with).

Then we have a whole range of people who volunteer on a monthly basis. Thanks to Manu and Mary who regularly cook community lunch. Thanks Rachel for coming along to set up for lunch, and thank you Brett for your monthly poem at lunch - we love it that you share your talent with us. Thanks Heather for regularly volunteering with the dishes - it’s just what we need at the end of a long day.

Thanks Monica (and Manu again) for your commitment to preserves group. Thanks to all our book club leaders, thanks to Louisa who runs our contemporary art appreciation outings. Thanks CWA ladies, U3A folks and Boomerang Baggers! Thanks Friends of Baucau. Amazing volunteer organisations that we are delighted to partner with either weekly or monthly.

Thanks to all our letterboxers. We have around 20 people who help out each semester. Also, thanks to all those who help out with our events. Elaine, you’re always available and we appreciate it! Thanks Geoff for the BBQing. Adele, thanks for being our register-er for the dog show.

And then there are people who have shared their talents voluntarily in the last year. Like Anne who ran our basic mending workshop, Vanessa who ran our cross-stitch workshops and the other Anne who has taught us yarn bombing. We’re just so lucky to have such a time-generous community.

Thanks, thanks, thanks. Thanks. Truly.

Neighbourhood houses run on the smell of an oil rag … and we couldn’t possibly offer all the things without you all!

So happy volunteer week! And … if you’re keen to volunteer too please let us know!

Sarah is just one of our volunteers. She comes along every week to set up our Toy Library for us. Thanks Sarah, we appreciate your help so much!

Sarah is just one of our volunteers. She comes along every week to set up our Toy Library for us. Thanks Sarah, we appreciate your help so much!
