ACC Online

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ACC Online

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Carols wrap

What a lovely, connected community we live in!

Another fabulous year of carol singing last night - Jan (our unflagging and entertaining host) and Jan (on piano for the first time) led a packed out Alphington Bowls Club audience through nearly every song in the ACC songbook once again. You never miss out on your favourite carol at this event - because they all get sung 🎵.

And it was just lovely to hear our local choir The Alphingtones perform. They sounded gorgeous.

Thanks David for your bagpiping … and Anne - always a powerhouse behind the scenes. And Mish for her running around! And Geoff (secret Santa business).

And everyone who comes along every year and contributes by leading a carol etc.

These carols have been running for around 40 years … and have been hosted at the Scout Hall, in the outdoor amphitheatre at Kate’s house (1 View Street) and now at Alphington Bowls Club. Last night I heard someone say they typed up the original songbook! Amazing.

And we raised about $275 through our gold coin donations. This year we’ll support some people doing it tough through The Salvos.

Merry Christmas.

Christmas makers market etc.

This coming weekend. Do your Christmas shopping locally this year with us and our crew of local makers - we’ve got about 25 stalls booked and the weather is look A-OK.

Whilst you’re here you can grab a bite from the BBQ - our friends from Ivanhoe Rotary are going to be cooking up a storm! And you can be a part of our new community arts ‘hill of dreams’ project … it involves solar lights, contact and cellophane - and sharpie pens … and should make a great addition to our neighbourhood over summer …

Come along to find out more! And help us support the micro-businesses in our community as you shop for loved ones.

Toy library

The Alphington Toy Library has been reinvented online. You can now scroll though all the toys, book them at a time that suits you, then pop past to collect them on Tuesdays.

Find out more and join up here.

This week Sarah (our volunteer who comes along to fill the orders) has put together some borrowing ideas for the theme

‘Do you want to come to my party?

Toys in our library that fit in with this theme include:

  • costumes - pirate, fairy, ballerina etc.

  • outdoor games - stilts, tunnels, parachute for group activities etc.

  • wooden birthday cake

  • party set (great for sustainable parties)

  • tea set

  • board games

Art on the fence

We’ve got some super new art on the fence - created by our Access All Abilities artists who attend on Friday afternoons.

Over the last financial year the program has been supported by the Community Bank in Queens Parade at Clifton Hill. Thanks!

Clare runs a fabulous session weekly that explores different mediums and follows the interests and skills of those attending. Last term they explored weaving and collage. This term they are looking at printmaking.