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Support our friends in Baucau, Timor-Leste

Did you know that Yarra and Darebin have a long standing community relationship along with a formal partnership with the municipality of Baucau in Timor-Leste?

The friendship was established whilst Timor-Leste was fighting for independence back in the 1990s. And it has endured over time. For many years our Councils funded a neighbourhood house in the city of Baucau. This was a wonderful and vital resource for women, children and the broader community as the country rebuilt infrastructure and resources after the devastation caused by the fight for independence. And although the house itself shut down a few years ago, it seeded a number of enduring community organisations - and enabled a number of strong and active local women (in particular, but some men also) to build a platform and profile within the Baucau municipal government.

Darebin and Yarra Councils continue their relationship with Baucau today, and still support grassroots activities via the community friendship group - Friends of Baucau. Over the years this local community group (that meets monthly in Darebin and Yarra) has continued to advocate for the formal municipal partnership, fundraise for on-ground community initiatives and build strong enduring and trusted relationships in Baucau. The focus recently has been on empowering women, supporting education and helping communities build best practise for sustainable agriculture. In the last few years they encouraged Darebin’s neighbourhood houses to visit Baucau (I was lucky enough to go on this trip) to meet like-minded active women’s organisations over there and think about how we could build and grow partnerships at the grassroots level.

So with this personal connection, it really has been devastating to see and hear about the impacts of the recent cyclone and associated flooding on the community over there. Timor-Leste is the poorest country in our region, with people living on less than $1 a day.

And if you are living at or below the poverty line like this, losing your house, your possessions, your bed and/or your crops is devastatingly life changing - and not just immediately, but for many years to come.

So … Friends of Baucau has set up a Give Now page, to support a trusted local community organisation to help out locals across the Baucau municipality at this time.

The funding will help families buy the basics to continue to survive such as food, beds etc. But also help them replant crops. It will also give those most in need 2 goats to grow and sell, helping them to rebuild their ability to self-sustain with dignity once again.

If you’d like to contribute you can find out more here. If you’d like more information about Friends of Baucau you can check them out on Facebook here.

Damage to houses in the municipality of Baucau.

Damage to houses in the municipality of Baucau.

Vote for our tree

Hi friends, exciting news across the street from us. The lovely river red gum at Alphington Station has been nominated as a mature (pre-settlement) tree for the National Trust ‘Tree of the Year’. But … to win it needs your vote.


Visit the National Trust Facebook page from Sunday 18 April to Sunday 2 May 2021 during the Australian Heritage Festival and “click like” on the tree you would like to win the ‘Tree of the Year’ title, or email your vote to


Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Alphington Station

This river red gum is approximately 200-300 years old and contributes greatly to the urban Alphington station landscape. Thanks to passionate community members, this tree was saved from being removed as part of proposed carpark development in 2013 and holds significant importance for the local community.

And also thanks to local community volunteers, the area near the tree has undergone restoration and there are now a number of younger River Red Gums around it, creating a beautiful natural setting around the station.

This tree is significant at a Regional level as a mature indigenous tree in an urban landscape context, which provides a contribution to the landscape and railway setting.

The National Heritage Trust note that fittingly the wall opposite the tree is painted with "Save the trees".

Keen to find out more about the other trees nominated? Click here.

Seed saving tips from the country

Hi Leanne here.

I’ve been at my sister’s farm for Easter and I was quite excited at her tomato seed saving approach, so I thought I’d share some photos. They are pretty self explanatory …


Just choose some of the more overripe tomatoes you grew and squeeze the seeds out onto paper towel to dry them out.

Then when you are ready, you can plant the paper directly. Or chop the paper up and share your bounty. Great hey?

And also a picture of the farm at sunrise just a you can see how beautiful it is … standing at the back door looking east towards The Grampians.

And also a picture of the farm at sunrise just a you can see how beautiful it is … standing at the back door looking east towards The Grampians.

Urban agriculture in our own backyard

If you’ve been wondering what exactly is going on down at the Alphington Community Farmgate site on the corner Wingrove Street and Parklands Avenue, and are keen for a sticky beak, Miranda who is the lovely and enthusiastic founder and director of Melbourne Farmers Markets is running a site tour on Sunday 25 April from 9.30-11am.

You’ll be able to meet a range of growers, producers and community organisations all playing a role in supporting urban agriculture and a local food system. Visit The Mushroomery, Farmwall, 3000 Acres etc.

Following the tour there’ll be ample time to do your weekly shopping and soak up the atmosphere of Alphington Farmers Market. Here you can meet local Victorian farmers and small-scale producers, discover what's in season, see how seasonality influences flavour (and price) and discover new recipe ideas directly from the farmer.

The link to book is:

Women in the shed wrap up

We’ve had 18 people in our Women in the Shed program over 3 days in Term 1 and have been delighted to see proud faces and confidence beaming from the women as the finishing touches were applied to their projects. This term we saw some gorgeous mosaics produced along with wonderful woodwork projects including tool boxes, chopping boards and planter stands.

The Women in the Shed program has been a great success. It is fully booked again for Term 2, but we will open bookings for Term 3 and 4 in June. If you are keen to join in you can join our waiting list here.

Above is a picture of our Thursday group who paused in their final session to enjoy morning tea together.

And some snaps from the class and final shed projects below.
