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Slow stitching and visible mending

With climate action in the forefront of peoples minds, reduce, reuse and recycle are steps we can each take to make a difference.

This is especially true for our clothes and the fast fashion industry that seems so disposable.

Learning how to repair those loved items rather than buy new and replace is a great start - and very satisfying.

The art of visible mending and slow stitching have become increasingly fashionable skills that also help extend the life of our clothes - keeping them from landfill.

And … these skills also create moments of mindfulness to enjoy and help us slow down!

Serene Paul is a talented local artists who does beautiful eco-dyeing and hand stitching to create art and repair clothing … and we are fortunate to have her returning to the Alphington Community Centre to share her talents.

She has been a maker all her life with sewing a childhood obsession, followed by studying fashion design and working in the fashion industry for a number of years. She is slowly building her own handmade and thrifted wardrobe and likes to make each piece unique by using hand stitching techniques along with patching, natural dyeing and appliqué.

Serene will be running a one-off Slow Stitching workshop on Saturday 20th of August from 10am-2pm. She will show you the stitches and you can practice them yourself with a kit that is provided. The cost is $50 and you can enrol here.

She will also run a monthly Visible Mending session. Bring your project and sew and chat and share skills. Join Serene from 10-11:30am on the first Saturday of each month by enrolling here.

Please keep in mind that each workshop and each group requires a minimum number of people to attend for it to run. So if you are keen and know other friends that share your interest then please enrol and encourage your friends to join in too!

A few places left in our Women in the Shed Program

Our Women in the Shed program run by Maylei is a short course that introduces you to all the tools typically found in a home garage - through a series of practical projects. Jump online and join in this award winning and wonderfully empowering program.

We have two spots left for Term 3 and usually it is fully booked. So if it is something you have always wanted to do then here is your chance.

Click on this link and enrol now.

Term 3 begins on Thursday July 28th at 10am - 2pm.

Term 4 begins on Thursday October 20th at 10am-2pm.

The course runs for 6 weeks and costs $90 with Learn Local funding supporting the program.

Pattern making

Wouldn’t it be great to know how to make your own clothes using your own body measurements? To make the style and fit that suits you.

Loretta can help turn this idea into reality.

Her pattern making course runs over 6 weeks from 12:30 - 2:30pm on Tuesday afternoons beginning on the 26th of July. The cost for the course is $180 plus $10 for a take home kit provided by Loretta.

You can enrol here.

Loretta will begin the process with a simple skirt pattern, allowing you to practice and learn hands on how to create patterns for clothing.

As with all our courses please note that a minimum number of people attending are required for it to run.

Alphingtones choir

Alphingtones Choir has been going for many years now and is full of lovely (tuneful) locals! They used to meet at ACC but now meet at St Andrew’s Church just behind Grill’d off Station Street so they have more room to spread out in these Covid times …

And they need some more members - in particular bass and tenor singers (but everyone is welcome!).

If you are interested in being part of this group that meets weekly on a Thursday night just email or call (details below).

Bookings open … and we’re back!

Hi all, we’re back from holidays today and we’re looking forward to seeing you in person.

It has been a very quiet holiday for me (Leanne) as I had Covid … but I am feeling less tired and ready to ease back into things.

Note that we’ve updated our booking system and are trialling a Square online shop … so you might notice some changes if you are booking into our exciting short courses and workshops available across Term 3 and 4.

And … please bear with us … and give us a call or email if you need help with anything.

You can find out more and check out our brochure here or go directly to our shop and book in here.