At the end of 2020 we had lots of interesting conversations with people about how to revamp existing short courses, workshops and programs, and we also started exploring some new interesting ideas.
And this year we have put together a formal ‘Expression of Interest’ page on our website.
On this page we invite you to register if you are interested in :
Being part of a Men in the Shed program this year - we need more people to commit to this program for it to be viable - and we’re interested in exploring what is should look like … are men in the area interested in making things with tools, or would doing some social things together suit more people, or is gardening a good draw card, or perhaps sharing cooking and meals might be the thing that men are interested in doing together? Once we have a number of people registered we’ll start exploring what this program should look like on the ground.
Lego Club. Cat ran Lego Club last year in the school holidays and as an after school activity. This year she could run it on either a Monday or a Wednesday. We invite you to contact her to register your interest.
An Introduction to Collage course, either on a weeknight or on the weekend. Local artist Maria has approached us and is offering to run an affordable collage class. If this is something that tickles your fancy we have a registration process for this as well.
Spoon carving with local artist Maylei Hunt. This is probably one for semester 2, as we will need to find some funding to buy the equipment, but we’re wondering how many people would be keen …
To find out more and register just click here.