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Posts in playgroup
Craftberry jam: space edition

This coming week is children’s week, and we have a special ‘space’ edition of craftberry jam available for the occasion.

Make a rocket, stuff an alien … and more! Kits will be available out the front under the pergola. Just look out for our special children’s week astronaut …

Pop past to pick yours up.

This activity is presented by ACC in partnership with the Victorian government.

The weekly list: for our playgroup families

In pre-corona times we had loads of young families attending ACC regularly. We usually host a variety of playgroups, including Czech Playgroup, two Japanese Kilin Playgroups, Community Playgroup and Peer Support Playgroup each week. And we are missing all the familiar faces! So it is wonderful to have a list relating to resources for young families to put out into the universe this week.

We’d like to thank Jacinta and the Family Programs and Inclusion Team at Yarra Council for this list. We’re very lucky to have such a supportive relationship (and such lovely colleagues) across both Yarra and Darebin Councils.

So, here’s the list of local activities and services for young families that are free and can be accessed online in corona times:

  • Join in playgroup at home with Playgroup Victoria

  • Join a free music zoom session running weekly with Playgroup Victoria

  • Join a free movement group - dance and sing with your toddlers to keep fit and healthy

  • Enjoy storytime for toddlers. This is a series of podcasts by Yarra Libraries

  • Register for family Lego sessions

  • Learn about baby massage and yoga in practical online sessions for babies up to 12 months

  • Join a family music group for babies up to 12 months featuring soothing music

  • Dads - learn how to manage your preschooler in lockdown with a bloke called Ben

  • Mums - get some techniques for stress management (we all need this sometimes right).

We hope you find these links useful! Thanks again Jacinta!

playgroup, programsLeanne
Peer support playgroup

This week we were very pleased to make a new connection with Reclink at ACC. You might have heard of them from the community footy day that they run every year at Victoria Park (I hadn’t but my husband knew them!).

Anyway, such lovely people! Super committed to improving lives through sport.

Our Federal MP Ged Kearney facilitated the new relationship and the outcome was a whole lot of new sporting equipment going to the families and children in our MyTime Peer Support Playgroup. This playgroup is facilitated by Sue who is a social worker and Gianna who spends time keeping the children busy each week so their parents can have some downtime to chat with Sue. This playgroup is an opportunity for families that have more on their plate than average to come along and get some help. In the last year the playgroup, which has been going for many years, formed a new partnership with Downs Syndrome Victoria.

If you, or anyone you know could benefit from this playgroup please get in contact with us! Don’t hesitate.

And … here’s some photos of when they came to visit. Thanks Ged. Thanks Brendan. Thanks Sue. Thanks everyone involved.
