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Posts in food
On Friday

On Friday we were :

Admiring our new paving - thanks Mark and Mark from Pacific Australis Landscapes and Simon from Simon Ellis Landscape Architects for helping us make the most of our front garden space. It is well on the way to being transformed … and when the cubby and sandpit arrive, and the pergola is built it will be amazing!

Admiring our new paving - thanks Mark and Mark from Pacific Australis Landscapes and Simon from Simon Ellis Landscape Architects for helping us make the most of our front garden space. It is well on the way to being transformed … and when the cubby and sandpit arrive, and the pergola is built it will be amazing!

Checking out the raised garden beds (our leafy 🥬 greens are flourishing). Next term we’ll have the expertise of Katrina from Buzz and Dig in our garden for three hours on a Friday morning. She’ll be here directing the traffic, running garden-based community activities and building up expertise in our Gardening Group (if you are keen to help out and learn about seasonal gardening come along).

Checking out the raised garden beds (our leafy 🥬 greens are flourishing). Next term we’ll have the expertise of Katrina from Buzz and Dig in our garden for three hours on a Friday morning. She’ll be here directing the traffic, running garden-based community activities and building up expertise in our Gardening Group (if you are keen to help out and learn about seasonal gardening come along).

Restocking our street book library.  It’s packed to the rafters!

Restocking our street book library. It’s packed to the rafters!

Painting. Barb loves painting orange phones! Krystal uses colour beautifully. Our Friday Community Art and Craft sessions are open for anyone to come along and follow their creative interests in a friendly environment.

Painting. Barb loves painting orange phones! Krystal uses colour beautifully. Our Friday Community Art and Craft sessions are open for anyone to come along and follow their creative interests in a friendly environment.

Cooking. Those medlars that had been bletting for a month were finally turned into medlar jelly this week! And Preserves Group also embarked on a new multi-week project making indian lime pickles …

Cooking. Those medlars that had been bletting for a month were finally turned into medlar jelly this week! And Preserves Group also embarked on a new multi-week project making indian lime pickles …

Medlar jelly - what a beautiful colour!

Medlar jelly - what a beautiful colour!

Restocking our free masks. We had some leftover from the lockdown last year (made by the lovely CWA ladies and others) and we’ve had them available through the last lockdown - for anyone in the community who needs one. There are lots of gorgeous fabrics to choose from!

Restocking our free masks. We had some leftover from the lockdown last year (made by the lovely CWA ladies and others) and we’ve had them available through the last lockdown - for anyone in the community who needs one. There are lots of gorgeous fabrics to choose from!

Grow local, cook local - winter workshops series

Alphington Community Centre is delighted to partner with Melbourne Farmers Markets to deliver ‘grow local, cook local’ a series of seasonal workshops that link the things you can easily grow in your home garden, with fun, delicious and yummy food you and your family can cook every day.

In each workshop you will get the chance to explore the key ingredient(s), chat to experts and share the joy of cooking locally grown food … and then eat it together.

Our winter series runs through the July school holidays and includes 5 workshops each with a different theme (honey, microgreens, mushrooms, winter herbs and winter greens). This series is suitable for people of all ages, and in school holidays is deliberately family friendly (for children 7+ years of age). Please note that children must be accompanied by a participating adult (who is expected to actively supervise them throughout the workshop). Also note that due to COVID restrictions total numbers are limited to 10 people per session.

Tickets cost $15. The workshops will run from the commercial kitchen onsite at Alphington Community Farmgate on the corner of Yarana Road and Wingrove Street (just down the road from us).

This grow local, cook local workshop series is kindly supported through a sustainability grant from the City of Yarra.


Honey, Honey

10am-11.30am, Monday 28 June.

This family friendly workshop will explore honey and urban beekeeping, an increasingly popular interest in our local area.

In the kitchen we’ll be making honey joys and muesli bars together and exploring other honey recipes.

We’ll pop over to The Practical Beekeeper to inspect all the equipment, have a look at hives and find out more about keeping bees in inner city areas.


Teeny Gardens for Tiny Homes

10-11.30am, Tuesday 6 July.

No home is too small for a garden! Just because you have moved into an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own food. In this workshop Farmwall will introduce you to microgreens and sprouts.

We’ll explore ways to use them in every day cooking and we’ll cook a yummy soup together, that is garnished with sprouts, breadcrumbs and a crunchy topping.

You’ll take home some seeds sown in a pot.

Marvellous Mushrooms

10-11.30am, Wednesday 7 July.

Keen to explore the world of mushrooms? This family workshop will start with a tour of The Mushroomery to see how mushrooms grow.

Whilst there we’ll pick some mushrooms and take them to the kitchen to cook delicious mushroom tacos - you can add whatever toppings they like.

You’ll have the opportunity to purchase mushrooms plus mushroom growing kits from The Mushroomery on the day.

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Chive Talking

10-11.30am, Thursday 8 July.

This workshop will explore how to use simple winter herbs that are straightforward to grow in any home garden.

It will include a tour of the Alphington Community Farmgate garden to look at what is in season.

Along the way we’ll pick chives and spring onion tips and head into the kitchen to making some delicious dumplings (using wonton wrappers).

Green Snacks

4-5.30pm, Wednesday 14 July.

Have you thought about using the winter greens that you can easily grow at home in school snacks?

This after school family workshop will start with a walk around the Alphington Community Farmgate site to check out the gardens and discuss what is in season.

Along the way we’ll pick some leafy greens such as sorrel, silverbeet and kale. Then we’ll head into the kitchen to whip up some cheesy green pastry triangles … along with some kale chips. Yum.

Need food? We can help!

I remember when I was at uni (back in the day), living on Austudy and a part time job and barely scraping by after paying rent. My housemates and I would go to Smith Street Safeway and pool our money and then have to stand at the cash register and put things back that we couldn’t afford.

Lots of people have been in the same boat at some stage in their life. A helping hand to reduce basic living expenses when you don’t have enough money coming in can really help.

Please know that there is food relief available for anyone who needs it in our neighbourhood and beyond. We have meals in our freezer that we can give you immediately and we can also help out with accessing groceries either once off, or more regularly until you get on top of things again.

We know there are students and families and other people who rely on casual work who are struggling.

Food relief can help take the pressure off. Just call us on 9499 7227 and we’ll help you access the services you need.

We support refugees

At Alphington Community Centre we have been working with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre for may years now.

I can remember when the Fairfield Girl Guides Hall was still around, and I used to drop my darlings off there for dancing and the ASRC volunteer was also there each week to accept community donations.

When the Guides Hall was demolished, Becca invited that volunteer, the ‘old Andy’ (that is, the person back then who did the role that Andy does now) to park out the front of ACC, so he could come in and use the loos, and have a coffee … and feel like he had a home base again. And she provided a storage location so that non-perishable food could be dropped off throughout the week. And this is how ACC became a formal ASRC donation site.

That was probably 8 or 9 years ago I’d guess. And here we are today. Still doing the same thing.

There are lots of kind-hearted and generous people and organisations in our community who recognise that anyone who has had to flee their homeland must have seen tragedy and experienced hardship beyond our imagining - and also realise that asylum seekers in Australia are now stuck in an impossible situation, unsure of where they stand, unable to work and also without a government safety net for all the basics. So they take the time to regularly shop for them, and provide them with a bag of rice (and compassion) or shampoo and conditioner (and love) tins of tuna (and hope) or jar of honey (and care).

If you too would like make life a little easier for someone who is struggling in a sea of uncertainty, you can drop off non-perishable foods with us inside any time we are open. After hours (or in lockdown) you can leave donations in the dark grey roller door shed just inside our back garden. And Andy is here on Thursdays from 10am -12pm so you can also drop off perishable food then (like fresh fruit and vegies etc.). He’ll then take the whole lot over to the ASRC in Footscray for distribution.

If you are wondering what to donate, think about what you purchase each time you’re at the supermarket for your family - rice, pasta, tinned tomatoes and legumes, breakfast cereal, tinned tuna, peanut butter, honey, olive oil, herbs and spices, coffee and tea, toiletries etc. These basic staples that enable you to cook nutritious food for your family and keep clean and tidy are just the things that these families are wanting in their cupboards too.

To find out more about the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre click here.

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STREAT is a food-system social enterprise that offers work readiness and employment programs for disengaged young people who want to work.

Thay are based in Cromwell Street in Collingwood. Programs coming up include:
Taste of STREAT - a two hour interactive workshop for young people (and accompanying workers) who are interested in STREAT’s Ready to Work program and keen to learn a little bit more to help them decide if it's right for them. 
Date: Friday 25th June 10:30am - 12:30pm
RSVP by: 18th June
Intro to Work - an eight week individual program for people wanting to access hospitality
or horticulture focused work experience with weekly individual support. This is a roll-in/roll-out program that runs throughout the year.
Accepting referrals now!
Ready to Work - a 20 week fully supported group program for young people seeking work in hospitality. It includes on-the-job training, accredited training (Cert II in Hospitality), work readiness workshops, creative and social engagement, individual case support and referral. Plus guaranteed employment opportunities for graduates through the Paid to Work program!
Commencing: Tuesday 27th July 2021
Accepting referrals now!
Paid to Work - a six-month program offering Ready to Work graduates an opportunity to transition into 20-25 hours a week of paid employment facilitated through one of our partner employers.

Job Club - a weekly drop-in session for young people wanting individual assistance with looking for work (eg. help with resumes, cover letters, job search sites). No booking necessary – just drop in! Every Friday 1pm - 3pm.

If you are interested in finding out more you can visit their website here.