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ACC Online

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Posts in community development
Alphington Arts - join in!

Join Alphington Arts … it’s sort of like a book club, with meetings twice a term … but instead of reading books (and talking) we’ll get together and make art (and chat) …

Starting in second semester the cost is $40 to join, and we’ll run 4 sessions on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Dates to be confirmed - but we’re aiming for the first and last week of each term.

At these sessions we will ask someone in the group to share an easy skill as a taster for everyone to have a go - like block printing, still life, basket weaving etc. - obviously the skills shared will depend on the people who come along - but don’t be put off thinking you have to offer something straight away, we have this years sessions lined up so you wont be under pressure!

If you are interested in joining in email us here. We will add you to the Whats App group for ongoing communication.

Note there may be some additional material costs associated with particular activities - depending on what we are doing. But we’ll try to keep these minimal.

And … please do let us know if you have a skill you could share yourself. It could be anything … painting, drawing, floristry, felting, weaving, card making, printing, paper folding …. we’re very keen to build a community of artists and create casual and friendly opportunities for creative peer learning and sharing into the future.

Grateful Gathering

Next term we have a new program running here at ACC led by Janet Nixon - who is part of our choir and ukulele groups.

It will run once a month on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. See what Janet has to say below.

Join a maximum of 8 others to explore the transformative possibilities of grateful living, and discover greater meaning, purpose and joy in your life. 

Grateful Gatherings are monthly conversations with purpose, designed by Grateful Living and hosted by people like me who have completed their training program. You can learn more about Grateful Gatherings by clicking here.

Each month we’ll be exploring the transformative practice of grateful living, using the resources provided by Grateful Living. Our monthly topics will include things like: Say Yes to JoyWelcome ImperfectionNavigate GriefReimagine RestAwaken to Awe, and Act with Courage. 

 When you sign up with Grateful Living, you will receive a welcome email with links to all three Foundational Sessions from Grateful Living.  Thereafter, you will receive the monthly resource email on the last day of each month, with the resources for the following month.   

 The first Gathering is planned for Wednesday, 24th July at 7pm at ACC and will be 60 - 90 minutes long, depending on the group. 

If you have any questions, please email me on

Please sign up here to join. Select Janet Nixon for the Gathering when filling out the online form.


Our first mosaics class has been super. Lee is leading participants through the process of creating mosaic art works utilising the tiles in our stash … including leftover pool tiles from my house, a variety of pink bathroom tiles (ceramic and glass) from Anne’s renovation, green glass tiles from Elise’s bathroom reno … and other lovely tiles that have been donated along the way (I may have also found some in hard rubbish).

They are also sourcing and working with broken plates and cups from op shops etc. and utilising the colours/patterns and natural shapes of these items to create 3D elements in their works.

In this fun, mindful and creative process participants are also learning some great new skills that build confidence to tackle small jobs at home, including as you would imagine … how to cut tiles, how to space tiles, what glues to use, how to grout and how to seal tiles … perfect if the splash back needs a facelift or a tile has come loose in the bathroom.

Also … if you have colourful glass tiles or small colourful wall tiles (eg. thin) left over from a project at your house that could do with a new home think of us … check in me (Leanne) or Lee if they’d be useful.

We’ll be running this course again next semester, so keep an eye out if you are interested.

Lee made this lovely example using a variety of cutting techniques and materials.

Podcasting 101 is back!

Are you a small business owner with skills and knowledge to share? A history buff? An amateur sleuth? Do you have a story to tell? Podcasting is a great way to do it!

Podcasting is really accessible and fun. You just need some basic knowledge and skills to get going. How to record, how to edit, how to upload your finished product onto the internet etc. And tips and tricks on what makes a great podcast.

Keen to find out more? Come along to ACC for 4 weeks in July/August and learn the art and craft of podcasting from Ben McKenzie, who regularly teaches podcasting and cohosts the monthly Terry Pratchett book club Pratchat.

Over 4 weeks you’ll explore all the basic elements to podcasting and you’ll get the chance in week 3 to book in time in ‘the cupboard’ our podcasting studio - to make your own recording … so you will walk away new knowledge and skills … and your first product.

The cost is $220. Book in here.

Podcasting 101

Podcasting 101


Buy now
Our program ...

Hi Leanne here. With our new room and reconfiguration of our spaces we are now looking at our general programming … and also starting to think about what we will run next semester. If you have a great idea for something to run here please give us a call or send an email. We really love new ideas. We’ll finalise things in the next few weeks, before the school holidays.

Excitingly, we have lots of great things on our radar already including:

  • new meditation/mindfulness classes

  • another introduction to podcasting short course starting at the end of July - this time with Ben McKenzie who is a very experienced teacher

  • another mosaics workshop with Lee (she’s loved the first one)

  • a new evening art group where we will keep costs down by sharing skills and knowledge

  • a street/neighbourhood photography course on the weekend suitable for families

  • our winter art exhibition in mid August (artists start thinking about what you could enter!)

  • Alphington Open Studios at the end of the year

  • our Christmas Makers Market at the end of November

I am going to start putting some of the links to these activities on our ‘enrol’ page this week, so keep an eye out if you are super keen to book in. As I get them organised I will make sure I add the direct links into the newsletter over the coming weeks.

We’re looking forward to getting settled after a period of chaos … and of course offering a great range of events, courses and programs throughout second semester that engage a wide range of people from our local community.