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Posts in community art
The key …

Last term our community arts project was called ‘The Key …’ and we invited people passing on the street to write their thoughts on a key tag in relation to 3 questions.

As each round finished we put all the keys 🔑 in a jar on our bench … and now we are enjoying having lots of good vibes and thoughtful ideas infiltrating our subconscious as we pass by the jars each day.

Take a look next time you are here. Thanks to everyone who joined in!

Alphington Arts - basket weaving

Alphington Arts, our new night time arts group will kick off on Thursday 18 July at 7.30pm. The idea behind this group is that we keep costs down by different people sharing their creative knowledge and skills. We’ll have 4 sessions over the coming semester (2 per term).

And first up we’ll be exploring basket weaving with Kayti Murphy. You may have seen Kayti’s baskets at our makers markets - or bought her teatowels and/or pickled radishes.

Thanks so much Kayti for volunteering to share your knowledge and skills.

So … if you are keen to join in you can join up for the semester here.

And then come along for some low key creative evenings. BYO drinks and/or snacks to share if you are so inclined.

Alphington Arts

Alphington Arts


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Crunch - continuing next semester

Our new program Crunch (Creative Lunch) has been fabulous this term. We’ve met lots of lovely new people and reconnected with friends in the neighbourhood through the program.

Next semester Crunch will run for 6 weeks a term. On Thursdays from 12.30 til 2pm. For $15 you can come along for lunch and then enjoy an art experience with Lee.

You will need to book in on our website (just so we know how much food to make and how many paint brushes etc. to get out!). The dates will be added this week - if you are keen to book in early.

Here are some amazing botanical prints we made this week - just to get you inspired! We hope to see you after the holidays.

Crunch (Creative Lunch)

Crunch (Creative Lunch)


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Alphington Arts - join in!

Join Alphington Arts … it’s sort of like a book club, with meetings twice a term … but instead of reading books (and talking) we’ll get together and make art (and chat) …

Starting in second semester the cost is $40 to join, and we’ll run 4 sessions on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Dates to be confirmed - but we’re aiming for the first and last week of each term.

At these sessions we will ask someone in the group to share an easy skill as a taster for everyone to have a go - like block printing, still life, basket weaving etc. - obviously the skills shared will depend on the people who come along - but don’t be put off thinking you have to offer something straight away, we have this years sessions lined up so you wont be under pressure!

If you are interested in joining in email us here. We will add you to the Whats App group for ongoing communication.

Note there may be some additional material costs associated with particular activities - depending on what we are doing. But we’ll try to keep these minimal.

And … please do let us know if you have a skill you could share yourself. It could be anything … painting, drawing, floristry, felting, weaving, card making, printing, paper folding …. we’re very keen to build a community of artists and create casual and friendly opportunities for creative peer learning and sharing into the future.


We have two more weeks of Crunch coming up this term … for anyone keen to take a break on Thursdays at 12.30pm - we’ll make you a lovely lunch and facilitate an hour of creativity for only $15.

So far we have:

  • Week 1 - eaten potato and leek soup and explored extended drawing with pens and pencils

  • Week 2 - eaten macaroni and cheese and worked on still life drawing using pastels at the easels

  • Week 3 - eaten moussaka and explored blackout poetry

  • Week 4 - eaten tarragon chicken and explored collage

Week 5 and 6 - come along and find out …

If you are interested just book in online here. It is yum, relaxing and very friendly. Also … no talent necessary! Really. The focus is on having a nice time together.

Crunch (creative lunch)

Crunch (creative lunch)


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