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Alphington Arts - join in!

Join Alphington Arts … it’s sort of like a book club, with meetings twice a term … but instead of reading books (and talking) we’ll get together and make art (and chat) …

Starting in second semester the cost is $40 to join, and we’ll run 4 sessions on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Dates to be confirmed - but we’re aiming for the first and last week of each term.

At these sessions we will ask someone in the group to share an easy skill as a taster for everyone to have a go - like block printing, still life, basket weaving etc. - obviously the skills shared will depend on the people who come along - but don’t be put off thinking you have to offer something straight away, we have this years sessions lined up so you wont be under pressure!

If you are interested in joining in email us here. We will add you to the Whats App group for ongoing communication.

Note there may be some additional material costs associated with particular activities - depending on what we are doing. But we’ll try to keep these minimal.

And … please do let us know if you have a skill you could share yourself. It could be anything … painting, drawing, floristry, felting, weaving, card making, printing, paper folding …. we’re very keen to build a community of artists and create casual and friendly opportunities for creative peer learning and sharing into the future.

Long weekend etc.

Hi all

We’re closed today, Monday, for the long weekend. We will see you tomorrow!

Last week we had some exciting things happening, including a birthday celebration at Community Lunch on Friday.

We also had a delivery of compost on Friday …. FOGO (from our green bins).

And I went to a really interesting meeting with the Minister for Planning, Sonya Kilkenny on Wednesday talking about placemaking and the character of our suburbs in the context of the new planning guidelines that are out for comment. The meeting was organised by our local MP Kat Theophanous and it was super - not just to hear from the Minister, but also to talk to and listen to other local stakeholders about key issues for our community such as public housing, river and catchment health, public transport infrastructure and pressures, and urban development controls (particularly for large developments such as Yarra Bend).

Thanks for organising it Kat.

I am not sure what I was laughing at here …

ACC news, communityLeanne

We have two more weeks of Crunch coming up this term … for anyone keen to take a break on Thursdays at 12.30pm - we’ll make you a lovely lunch and facilitate an hour of creativity for only $15.

So far we have:

  • Week 1 - eaten potato and leek soup and explored extended drawing with pens and pencils

  • Week 2 - eaten macaroni and cheese and worked on still life drawing using pastels at the easels

  • Week 3 - eaten moussaka and explored blackout poetry

  • Week 4 - eaten tarragon chicken and explored collage

Week 5 and 6 - come along and find out …

If you are interested just book in online here. It is yum, relaxing and very friendly. Also … no talent necessary! Really. The focus is on having a nice time together.

Crunch (creative lunch)

Crunch (creative lunch)


Buy now
Grateful Gathering

Next term we have a new program running here at ACC led by Janet Nixon - who is part of our choir and ukulele groups.

It will run once a month on a Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. See what Janet has to say below.

Join a maximum of 8 others to explore the transformative possibilities of grateful living, and discover greater meaning, purpose and joy in your life. 

Grateful Gatherings are monthly conversations with purpose, designed by Grateful Living and hosted by people like me who have completed their training program. You can learn more about Grateful Gatherings by clicking here.

Each month we’ll be exploring the transformative practice of grateful living, using the resources provided by Grateful Living. Our monthly topics will include things like: Say Yes to JoyWelcome ImperfectionNavigate GriefReimagine RestAwaken to Awe, and Act with Courage. 

 When you sign up with Grateful Living, you will receive a welcome email with links to all three Foundational Sessions from Grateful Living.  Thereafter, you will receive the monthly resource email on the last day of each month, with the resources for the following month.   

 The first Gathering is planned for Wednesday, 24th July at 7pm at ACC and will be 60 - 90 minutes long, depending on the group. 

If you have any questions, please email me on

Please sign up here to join. Select Janet Nixon for the Gathering when filling out the online form.