This week
Our High Street Op Shop tour is coming up on Thursday 3 April - we’d love some company for this day of sustainable transport (we’ll take the bus) and sustainable shopping (second hand is the best.
Before that we have the Alphington Show coming up on Saturday 29th March. So I hope you have your knitting … and jam … and relish ready to go … and are perfecting your breadmaking or chocolate cake baking … so many great categories to enter.
Entries are to be dropped off this Friday before 5pm when the serious business of judging happens. Then on Saturday we’ll open the doors and invite the neighbourhood to pop in and admire the winners, enjoy a Devonshire tea served by the CWA … do a bit street shopping at the makers market, take a ride on a pony … have fun with craft … and hang around for the Alphington Dog Show - starting at 1pm. A great day of low key family neighbourhood fun!
And today - join us for lunch - our garden to plate program continues weekly! Help cook from 11.30am. We’ll wrap things up around 1pm. It’s free!
Also … Wednesday is playgroup day - and there are lots of families coming along this year which is terrific. If you are looking for some company for your little one (or yourself) please drop past from 10am-12pm in the front garden. Only $5 weekly.
See you this week … or at the Alphington Show!