3078 history group meeting dates
Alphington Grammar
With our new podcasting equipment in place and our four local maps recently published, it is an exciting time to join the 3078 History Group. If you are interested in coming along the first meeting will occur in April. The group meets as a rule on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm here at ACC.
The scheduled regular meeting dates through to the end of June will be :
Tuesday 12 April at 7.30pm
Tuesday 10 May at 7.30pm and
Tuesday 14 June at 7.30pm.
At the second meeting on Tuesday 10 May we will run a formal ‘introduction to podcasting’ session, to enable the group to start exploring the possibilities around recording oral histories from locals in the area.
If you are keen to find out more or register to come along you can email us here or call us on 9499 7227 so that we can add you to the group email list.