Eco-dyeing 101 - take home kits now up for grabs!
National Science Week ran from 14-22 August. And we had a fabulous eco-dyeing weekend workshop on offer here at ACC with local textile artist Rose Kulak. She does the most amazing prints and we were VERY excited about it.
This week however, we came to the sad conclusion that it is unlikely that we’ll be able to go ahead with this workshop in person anytime soon, and so instead we’ve been exploring how we can offer an eco-dyeing experience at home.
Rose is helping us put together a couple of different take home kits that include all the materials and instructions you will need to undertake a project using things like eucalyptus leaves, onion skins or oxalis (sour grass that is now in bloom all over the neighbourhood).
Eco-dyeing 101 kit
a dye bath in action … looks pretty cool huh?
So if you’d like to learn a new skill and/or you are keen to explore the science of eco-dyeing and eco-printing … and to find out more about natural fibres, mordants and fixatives, the impact of pressure and heat, and pH levels … then email us here and nominate your preference for the:
Eco-printing 101 kit (learn how to use pressure and steam for printing) or
Eco-dyeing 101 kit (learn how to make a natural dye bath)
When you register we’ll get back to you re. collection times over the next few days. And then … we hope you have lots of fun … and send us a photo or two of your amazingly interesting (and fingers-crossed, beautiful) results!
Note, this activity is designed for adults, and will also be really interesting for children - but supervision is strongly recommended and actually really necessary.