Collage your way to fun!
Collage is such a wonderfully meditative and accessible art form … it can be beautiful, or clever, or funny! or complex, or simple,or edgy, or a mixture of all of the above.
And it all starts with cutting and pasting and combining images.
Kristian Glynn who is running our new collage group which we are calling CLAG (because it made us laugh) is a fabulous creative artist.
He often works with collage and mixed media and was telling me that he is part of a long term collaboration with an artist friend in Queensland - they send and resend collaged postcards, building the images up over time. That sounds pretty great hey?
He’s lovely and is sure to inspire you if collage is something you are interested in finding out more about, or something you are already into.
To join CLAG, running on Tuesday nights in the shed from 7-8.30pm just click here. We’re offering it at a great community price - only $100 for 6 weeks.
Garbage Bouquet - Kristian Glynn
Five Moons Of Our Sun - Kristian Glynn
And here are some of my efforts … including ‘Reef and Beef(cake) Sandwich’. Collage is fun for everyone!