Lockdown 4
Hi friends, well we’re all back to appreciating our local neighbourhood for a week hey?
At ACC we’re primarily working from home, but are still here to help. Feel free to give us a call on 9499 7227 or send us an email if you need anything. We’ve got some meals in the freezer we’d be happy to deliver etc.
Also note that there is a whole network of support infrastructure that is now well-established in our neck of the woods if you need a hand.
This guide published by Darebin Council outlines services for food relief, shelters and support for families experiencing violence, community legal service links and more.
You can also call Council on 8470 8888 and ask for the Community Navigation Service to access in-person help.
If you need food support another good place to start is Darebin Information Volunteer Resource Service (DIVRS) on 9480 8200, Monday – Thursday between 9.30am -12.30pm. You may need to leave a message with your name and contact details but you will receive a call back the same day.
You can also contact:
Encompass Care, Bundoora: 0422 461 847
Northern Community CareWorks, Preston: 9484 4788
Salvation Army – Emergency Relief, Preston: 9471 9111
St Vincent de Paul - Call Centre: 1800 305 330
We look forward to seeing you back at ACC on the other side.
Look after yourself.
Our paving completed … why not pass by and admire it on your lockdown 4 walk! You could also grab a book from the book library or check out the seeds in the seed library and do some autumn planting.