Summer festivals, also known as matsuri, are held all over Japan from July through August.
At ACC just before Christmas our Japanese playgroup families held their own summer festival. It was pretty gorgeous to see the kids all singing to their parents and parading along the street chanting and carrying their float. And it is lovely to think that we are helping Japanese families in Australia continue their cultural traditions and witness them passing them on from one generation to the next.
This festival was delayed by our last lockdown, but we were thrilled that they were able to squeeze it in before the holidays. Maimi and the other playgroup leaders put a lot of work into decorating our centre and setting up a whole lot of fun activities for the children in the garden. And we’ll be looking forward to them celebrating it again next year!
In 2022 we will have Japanese playgroups running on Monday and Thursday mornings from 10am-1pm here at ACC.
A lovely photo of local Federal MP Ged Kearney with Maimi who runs our Japanese playgroups, enjoying the festival.