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Yarn bombing 101: double finger knitting instructions for our next project


We’ve got a new yarn bombing project coming up with our Community Craft! group. It is going to have a number of elements, and one of them is lengths of double finger knitting. So today we’re sharing a video about how to double finger knit - if you (or your children/grandchildren) would like to join in. This is a great crafty activity for all ages.

It is pretty much the same as single finger knitting, BUT is makes a much bulkier product (particularly if you use a nice bulky wool) with a looser weave. And is much quicker to make a substantial length!

If you feel inspired then have a go and drop your creations in to us. We’ll have a box near the front door.

Here’s the video to show you how to start off, and keep going …

A quick guide to double finger knitting
community artLeanne