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connecting our community

Neighbourhoodly times


Last week as we were putting out our new community art project I got chatting to Adi who was sitting at the neighbourhood table while his kids were rollerblading and skating around our triangle of grass.

And he mentioned that he is doing neighbourhood food deliveries.

If you haven’t met him already (at the Alphington footy club or at the crepe stall at Alphington PS fete) he usually runs a bakery called Little Bertha in Abbotsford but, like many of us, he has had to radically change his business model over the last couple of months.

So he has got together with other businesses in Abbotsford and Collingwood and started an online delivery service.

Eggs are one of his specialties (he says they’re from young chooks and are amazing for baking and perfect for poaching) plus all the other things you need like milk, bread, butter, fruit and veggies, and meat. There’s a whole range of packs you can choose from. And then there are cakes.

And … if you live in Alphington he has offered to deliver to you for free. When you pay just check free pickup and then in the notes write ‘Adi deliver’. And he will. On his way home from work. How nice is that!

And … how nice do the cakes look. So good in fact that I had another local contact me separately (she’d had them delivered) to suggest I write a post about them … and Adi’s new service. So there you go. Aren’t we lucky to live in such neighbourhoodly times!

Look out for Adi in the ‘hood!

Look out for Adi in the ‘hood!