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Our new old table(s)

On Monday Jen made a special trip from Leongatha to drop off the first of our two old (but new) metal tables.

I think I may have told this story before … but anyway … 2 years ago I found the frames in hard rubbish (thanks to the kind people in Rushall Street who put the pair out) and made my teenage daughter help me carry them to my front yard (as you can imagine she was thrilled?!). After a few months of complaints from my husband about them being at our house I wrangled them onto a trailer and brought them round to ACC … where they sat in the garden here for about a year. Do you remember? I am sure out gardeners do. They were always having to move them to get to the tap.

Before Christmas last year Jen took them home. And now … they’re back … well the first one is anyway. Transformed!

I am not sure my photo does the table justice, But it is really gorgeous. Mesh and various bits of metal welded together. Old sleepers for seats. It is just lovely. Thanks Jen!
